Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Today's lunch.

Welcome back, I hope you had good Thanksgivings--from what I hear you did.

Zoo Field Trip
The entire second grade is taking a trip to the San Diego Zoo on Friday, December 16th.  I need parent volunteers to drive and help chaperone the trip.  I have created a sign up form where you can sign up and tell me how many seat belts your vehicle has in total.  If you would like to volunteer I will need you from 8:50 AM to 1:30 PM on that day.  A also need to know if any chaperones have a zoo pass.  The students get in for free but be we are only allotted so many chaperone spots.

Sign Up For Driver/Chaperone Spots Here

20 sided-dice
I often use 20 sided dice to plays games for math lessons.  I am missing 5 of the dice.  When something goes missing it is almost always because of a mistake on my part.  However, I am missing enough of these dice that I figured I would ask you if you had seen any.

There have been some students in Room 5 affected with head lice.  Please check your child and let me know if you have the issue too.  I will keep it private but I want to gauge how wide-spread the problem is.  After 9 days of vacation Room 5 should be clear.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Studying how authors typically portray boys in their books.

Math - Adding up to make 100, number patterns, finding missing tens and ones.

Writing - Writing about and describing small moments of our lives.

Language Conventions and Word Study - syllables

Social Studies - understanding maps

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