Monday, March 12, 2012

Students Hard at Work on Non-Fiction Reports

In addition to reading non-fiction books students also did some research for their wild animal reports online.

Scholastic Book Fair
The TPES Scholastic Book Fair/Book Sale is up and running this week.  Room 5 students went to the fair today to preview the books and make a list of books that they would be interested in.  Every Room 5 student understands that the list of books they made today is a wish list.  I told them their parents would likely purchase only one or two books from their list, if any at all.

The pinnacle of the book fair will be on Wednesday when there will be a dinner Luau (the food pre-orders went home last week).  On that day Mr. Solo, Ms. Isom, Mr. Kent, and myself will also be doing small-format book readings (pretty informal).  Ms. Isom will start off the readings at 5:30 PM, I will finish up around 6:30 PM.

3 Early Dismissal Days This Week!
Because of Parent/Teacher Conferences, this week we will have three early dismissal or minimum days.  This Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday students will be dismissed at 12:45 PM.

Non-Fiction Reports
We are spending a lot of time each day working on these reports.  Our focus is both on collecting detailed information, and on making our writing clear and well organized.  If you didn't get a chance to read what I wrote about these reports last week please scroll down and check out that post.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - As a class, writing a non-fiction report on blue whales. Organizing our collected notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.

Math - Three digit addition and subtraction.

Writing - Individually writing a non-fiction report on a wild animal. Organizing our notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.

Language Conventions and Word Study - the ow sound, both ow and ou

In-Class Art - Beginning a study Vincent Van Gogh

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