Monday, September 26, 2011

Reading for Important Ideas and Concepts in Books

I have been impressed with the focus on learning shown by Room 5 students.

Thank you so much for coming to open house it was nice to formally meet all of you. If you weren't able to come that night and would like a copy of my presentation just let me know.

Reading for Ideas
This week we have begun reading for ideas or important concepts in our fiction texts. My goal is to have students determine the important themes in the book, and then give them the vocabulary they need to truly express what they are reading.  The first book we are reading is The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.  In the beginning of the book students found the important idea of envy--many smaller fish are envious of Rainbow Fish's colorful scales.  We also noted that this idea of envy is closely related to jealousy and admiration.

Head Lice
There have been some students in Room 5 affected with head lice.  Please check your child and let me know if you have the issue too.  I will keep it private but I want to gauge how wide-spread the problem is.  In the meantime I will cover any pillows I have.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Reading for important ideas or concepts.

Math - Addition and subtraction.  Using subtraction to compare to related numbers.  Understanding how addition can be used to solve subtraction problems.

Writing - Writing about the ideas we find in fiction books.

Language Conventions - Understanding how commas are used in the greeting and closure of letters, when writing the date, and when listing a series of items.

Word Study - Understanding how prefixes affect word meanings, specifically the prefix un- and over- (e.g. unlucky, unwise, unlucky, overworked, overcrowded)

Art - A study of Pablo Picasso’s major artistic periods: currently on Surrealism.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Curriculum Night This Wednesday

In addition to reading independently Room 5 students read and discuss books in pairs.

I continue to be truly impressed with all of the students in Room 5.  The effort and attitude of every child has been wonderful.

Open House / Curriculum Night This Wednesday
Curriculum night is the Wednesday, September 21st.  Around 6:35 PM I will give a presentation in Room 5.  Remember, for this first open house, just the parents are invited, unfortunately students need to stay home.

Here is the schedule for the night:

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Supper/Bake Sale in the lunch arbor
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm - Principal Jim Solo and Foundation President Erin Brown speak in the auditorium
6:35 pm - 7:10 pm - Grades K-2 teacher presentation in classrooms
7:15 pm - 7:50 pm- Grades 3-5 teacher presentation in classrooms
8:00 pm - school closed

Mr. Luxon Not On Campus This Friday
Mr. Solo has asked me to attend a district meeting this Friday.  I will not be at school, TPES visiting teacher Ms. Christie Edelson will be teaching in my absence.  Ms. Edelson knows both me and Torrey Pines well.  She will be on campus all week assisting other teachers, and in Room 5 on Friday.

Important Upcoming Dates:
September 21 - Wednesday - Curriculum Night
September 23 - Friday - Ms. Edelson teaches in Room 5
October 1-2 - Saturday and Sunday - La Jolla Art Festival, a TPES fundraiser
October 17 - Monday - School Pictures

Earbud Headphones
I have been getting the classroom netbooks ready for each student.  Can you provide your students with simple earbuds to use with their laptops?  I know the 2nd grade supply list was already very extensive but think each student having their own pair of earbuds will be the best solution for the classroom.  Nothing fancy, uses the ones you already have lying around the house.  They should not be large because they will be kept in your student's desk drawer.  I will get some extras for those of you who cannot provide a pair.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Reviewing the vocabulary needed to discuss fiction books: characters, setting, conflict/problem, resolution, climax

Math - Subtraction, interpreting data in graphs and charts, understanding place value

Writing - Writing about our lives with detail and expression

Language Conventions - Understanding how commas are used in the greeting and closure of letters, when writing the date, and when listing a series of items.

Word Study - Understanding how prefixes affect word meanings, specifically the prefix un- and over- (e.g. unlucky, unwise, unlucky, overworked, overcrowded)

Art - A study of Pablo Picasso’s major artistic periods: The Blue Period, The Rose Period, Cubism, and Surrealism.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Great First Week In Room 5

On the first day of school students graphed the contents of one bag of M&M's.

Although cut short by the blackout, our first week in Room 5 was a good one.  The behavior and academic effort of every student has been excellent.  Please thank your students for their hard work.

The school nurse has asked that our class not celebrate birthdays with food.  We have numerous students with allergy and diet restrictions and I fully stand behind the nurse’s request.  In the past I have celebrated student birthdays by having the other students in the class make and write cards for the student celebrating a birthday.  This type of recognition is really appreciated by the students, probably more so then food or cupcakes.  I will explain the process further during open house.

Daily Folders
Last week I gave each Room 5 student a daily folder.  These blue and clear plastic folders need to come to school every day with your child.

Parent Survey
Thank you for getting those parent surveys back to me so quickly.  I have a feeling that a few of you never received them, so I will begin sending home additional copies.  If you get a duplicate, do not fill it out, I only need one copy per family.

Contacting Me
As I mentioned in my first letter, always feel free to contact me with any question or concerns you have.  You can approach me in person before or after school or send a note in your student’s folder.  You also can email me, or leave me a voice mail at 858-453-2323 extension 205.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Reviewing the vocabulary needed to discuss fiction books: characters, setting, conflict/problem, resolution, climax

Math - Understanding place value into the hundreds, addition and subtraction

Writing - Writing about our lives with detail and expression

Language Conventions - Understanding when capital letters are needed in our writing

Art - A study of Pablo Picasso’s major artistic periods: The Blue Period, The Rose Period, Cubism, and Surrealism.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome Letter

Dear Room 5 Families,

Welcome to Room 5 and second grade!  I look forward to getting to know you and your children throughout the year.  Many of you know me as a Torrey Pines kindergarten teacher, this year I am truly excited to have joined the second grade team.

Daily Folders
This week I will give each Room 5 student a daily folder.  These blue and clear plastic folders need to come to school every day with your child.  I want each student to have this folder for the rest of the year, so homework and other information can make it home safely.  There is no homework at this time, but I will have some information to send home this first week.  Your student also needs a backpack big enough to carry this folder.

Parent Survey
I have also sent home a parent information survey.  Please get it back to me this week.  Thank you in advance.

Contacting Me
Always feel free to contact me with any question or concerns you have.  You can approach me in person before or after school or send a note in your student’s folder.  You also can email me, or leave me a voice mail at 858-453-2323 extension 205.  

Letters like this one will go home every Monday, though I may begin sending them online.

Welcome to Room 5,

James Luxon