Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Room 5 students climb a saber-tooth cat at the San Diego Zoo Elephant Odyssey exhibit.

Welcome back, after a relaxing break I am excited to resume teaching in Room 5!  I spent some time in Room 5 over the break making sure everything was organized, clean, and ready to go.

Thank You
Thank you all so much for your gifts and overall classroom gift.  Your monies will help me continue to purchase materials for the classroom.  Anything left over my wife and I will put in a savings account to help us start a family soon.  I truly, truly appreciate it.

Important Upcoming Dates

January 4th - This Wednesday - Wednesday Enrichment Sign-up and Information
January 6th - This Friday - Spare the Air Day, walk, bike, or carpool to school
January 10th - Next Tuesday - Mr. Luxon is off-campus for technology-centered professional training, a visiting teacher teaches in his place.
January 16th - a Monday - No School, Martin Luther King Day
January 19th - a Thursday - Souplantation TPES Family Restaurant Night in Del Mar
February 1st - a Wednesday - Winter Concert, Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
February 2nd - a Thursday - Winter Concert, 3rd Grade - 5th Grade

Zoo Field Trip

A big thank you to all of the zoo chaperones who helped me out the Friday before break.  We had a great time.  I posted pictures of the trip in the Photo and Video Gallery.

After 17 days with no students and little heat I am certain that Room 5 is lice free.  I also removed all pillows.  My impression is that this has been an issue for many of you.  If we all work together, we will eliminate the issue--check you child this evening.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Studying how grandmothers are stereotypically portrayed in fiction books.

Math - Addition and subtraction.  Fractions coming up.

Writing - Editing and improving our writing to produce a final draft.

Language Conventions and Word Study - syllables, vowel sounds, suffixes

Social Studies - Understanding maps.  Map legends, scales, topography, as well as the major geographical features of California, and the U.S.

Mr. Luxon's home.  Thank You!

More Elephant Odyssey.

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