Monday, January 9, 2012

Polishing Our Writing

After editing and reworking their writing both independently and with a partner, students have been typing up their finished work. 
The program students use allows them to hear their writing read out loud, mistakes and all.

Just a quick note this week:

Mr. Luxon Off Campus
Tomorrow I will off campus attending some technology training--knowledge that I can bring back to the classroom.  I believe Ms. Cahill will be assigned here in my absence.  There will be more of these types of days coming for me in the next couple months.

Important Upcoming Dates
January 16th - a Monday - No School, Martin Luther King Day
January 19th - a Thursday - Souplantation TPES Family Restaurant Night in Del Mar
February 1st - a Wednesday - Winter Concert, Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
February 2nd - a Thursday - Winter Concert, 3rd Grade - 5th Grade

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Studying how grandmothers are stereotypically portrayed in fiction books.

Math - Linear Measurement  (I was wrong.  Fractions coming up next.)

Writing - Editing and improving our writing to produce a final draft.

Language Conventions and Word Study - vowel sounds, suffixes

Science - Balance and Motion

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