Monday, January 30, 2012

Rotational Forces and the Winter Concert

Last week in Science we studied forces, including rotational forces.

Winter Concert
Here is the schedule for this Wednesday's Winter Concert:

5:00 PM | Dinner and bake sale items available for sale in the lunch court (optional).
5:45 PM | Students meet in Room 5, parents find a seat in the auditorium
6:00 PM | The performance begins, please stay for all three grade levels, after the concert is over you pick your child up from Room 5.

Music Teacher, Ms. Tang, has this dress code:  "All grades will be wearing traditional clothes from any culture if they own it. If you don't have traditional clothes, nice performance clothes is fine. No shorts, flip flops, or baseball caps."

If you have another student in grades 3, 4, or 5, you might also want to come on Thursday night for the upper-grade performance.  Information on both performances can be found on the TPES Website.

Homework Journals
I apologize for being slow with these.  The best day for me to read them is on Monday.  Since the new year began I have lost two Mondays to holidays and another to a rainy day--inside--schedule. 

Today the journals are ready to go home.  I also included a special assignment sheet--writing in non-fiction.

Room 5 Garden
Last week students began readying the Room 5 Garden plot.  We mixed in compost and organic fertilizer.  I am looking in to getting some carrot seeds and onion sets to plant.  Thanks to Ms. Krantz for helping.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Types of Non-Fiction Text and their features: biographies, newspapers, dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, non-fiction books.

Math - Fractions.  Reading clocks and understanding elapsed time.

Writing - Writing an article for a classroom newspaper.

Language Conventions and Word Study - abbreviations

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance.  Last week's vocabulary: forces, axis, rotational force.

Last week in Science we studied forces, including rotational forces.

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