Monday, February 6, 2012

The Room 5 Garden

This afternoon students planted onions and carrots in the Room 5 garden. I used yellow and red plastic makers to show them where to plant.
Room 5 Garden
Today students planted onions and carrots in the Room 5 garden.  My hope is to have students harvest and cook the food right before the end of school.  One of the ideas I had for this meal was a chicken noodle soup that was heavy on carrots and onions.  I told the students that, while I am fairly certain the onions will grow, carrots are more difficult and may not sprout properly this early in the spring.

Morning Tardiness

School starts at 8:55 AM.  Please get your students here before that time so we can get started with our work right away.

Reading Partners
I have again set students up with reading partners and specific books that I think will challenge them.  I put pictures up in the Photo and Video Gallery though some of them are a little blurry and I missed one group.  One of the times they read with their partners is first thing in the morning, this is one of the reasons it is important to be on time for school.

Four Day Weekend Coming Up
Next week there is no school on Friday (2/17) or Monday (2/20).  This is in observance of Presidents Lincoln and Washington.  That is two weeks from now, there is school this Friday and coming Monday.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Finding the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts.

Math - Reading clocks and understanding elapsed time.  General review.

Writing - Writing an article for a classroom newspaper.

Language Conventions and Word Study - suffixes

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.
Mr. Solo holds staff meetings and governance meetings in Room 5, one of the reasons I ask students to keep the classroom so clean.

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