Monday, February 13, 2012

The Room 5 Newspaper

The Room 5 Newspaper went home today.

The Room 5 Newspaper
Students worked in groups and partnerships to write up a newspaper of the happenings here at school and in Room 5. It went home in backpacks today, it's pretty neat, please read it.

I sent home some information about the importance of the Walk-a-Thon last Friday. Also, students should wear good walking shoes tomorrow.

Book Pouches
If they haven't already please have your students bring in their velcro reading pouch.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Finding the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts. Also, procedural texts or 'How-To books'.

Math - Graphing

Writing - Writing about the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions, parts of speech: verbs

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

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