Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Februrary

Students really enjoy giving and receiving valentines with each other.  Every year it is fun to watch.
Hello, I hope you had an excellent weekend.

Writing Journals
I sent home two special assignments for this week's writing journal work.  One is a study of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.  The other is having students compose their own procedural writing our 'How-To'.  They both are required, I will speak with the students about them today.  I sent home a complete description of both with examples.

A few of you have asked me when the result of the GATE exam will be available.  I asked Mr. Solo and even he is not sure.  He is hoping the scores will come available in the next month or so. 

Family Science Night Grades K-2
Family Science Night Grades K-2 is next Thursday.  I will provide you with more details in next Monday's post.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Taking notes on a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Math - Graphing

Writing - Writing about the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions, parts of speech: verbs, nouns, adjectives

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

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