Monday, February 27, 2012

Research Reports

Last week students began looking through non-fiction books in order to decide which wild animal they want to research.

Interesting Article
Last week the students and I read an online Time For Kids news article on the new presidential coins.  We read the article together as a class and the debate it described really captivated the students and led to a good class discussion.  The article can be found here.  It is difficult for them to read on their own, if you have them re-read it please be there to help them with some of the more difficult vocabulary.

Family Science Night Grades K-2
Family Science Night Grades K-2 is this Thursday.  A paper went home last week that included details and a form to fill out to reserve a spot.  Unfortunately all of the spots have been taken.  If you have a spot, more information can be found here.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Reading about, and taking notes on, a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Math - Graphing, Place Value to 1,000

Writing - Taking notes on a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

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