Monday, May 14, 2012

Butteryflies / Spirit Week

The Room 5 butterflies feasted on pollen from the flowers you brought me for Teacher Appreciation Day.

Butterfly Life Cycle
The current second grade science unit studies the life cycle of insects and plants.  A few weeks ago we had some caterpillars delivered to the classroom.  Those caterpillars grew and grew until they went to the top of their enclosure and formed chrysalises.  Last week we observed them emerge from their chrysalises as butterflies.  After the butterflies emerged they dried off, flexed their wings, and enjoyed pollen from the flowers you all brought me for Teacher Appreciation Day.  On Friday we released them into the canyon.  More pictures are in the Room 5 Photo Gallery.

Spirit Week
This week is Spirit Week at Torrey Pines Elementary.  Here are the themes, day by day:

Monday - Dress Like Your Idol
Tuesday - Pajama Jammy Jam - Wear you pajamas and bring a stuffed animal.
Wednesday - Crazy Hair Day - Make your hair look crazy!
Thursday - Random Clothing Day - Wear something a little weird!
Friday - Hawaii Day - Wear you Hawaiian cloths!
Friday Evening 6 PM - School Dance.  All grades are invited, every student who comes must bring a parent.  I will likely be there too.

A couple of notes:  You are not required to dress up on any day.  Some days I personally will dress up, other days I will not. 

Mr. Solo also wanted me to mention two things:  On Wednesday students can use colored hairspray on their hairdos but they cannot bring cans of the hairspray to school. On Tuesday the stuffed animals kids bring should be small enough to fit into a paper grocery bag--none of those gigantic stuffed animals.

EVERY day is still a school day.  If your outfit prevents you from reading, writing, or behaving like a student it is probably a bad idea.

The school dance starts at 6PM on Friday.  Any student who wants to come needs to bring a parent.  I will be working there for at least a bit as well.

Teacher Appreciation Day
Thank you so much for the flowers, fruit, wine, and gifts.  I really appreciate it.  Some of the flowers stayed for decoration in Room 5, others were used in the butterfly enclosure, and others went home as gifts to my wife.  On Sunday I shared some of the wine and chocolate with my mother and father for Mother's Day.  The gift cards I am saving for a rainy day.

Important Upcoming Dates
May 23 - Wednesday - Open House
May 28 - Monday - No School, Memorial Day

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Examine how cultural values are reflected in fiction.  Read different retellings of the story of Cinderella.  Compare their similarities and differences.

Math - square numbers, prime numbers

Writing - Writing about the Cinderella stories we are reading.  Our writing may include the conflicts driving the stories and the feeling the characters have at different points in the books.

Science - Studying The Life Cycles of Insects and Plants.

In-Class Art - A Study of Vincent Van Gogh

These are the remains of the butterfly chrysalises, along with some shedded caterpillar skin.

Students were captivated by the butterflies.

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