Monday, May 7, 2012

California State Testing Finished

For the state test Mr. Solo provided students with fresh pencils and erasers, as well as a handful of peanut M & M's.  After they finished students read quietly.

CST, or California Star Test
Thank you for your help preparing students for the California State Test.  All of the students in Room 5 have finished all six parts now.  I was impressed with their focus.  During the reading exams, student were reading so carefully, you could hear a pin drop.

Writing Journal
I want your students to complete two shorter entries this week.  Both of the assignments revolve around Cinderella.  I sent home an assignment sheet, I was also able to post it here.  I had meetings today so I was not able to make comments in their journals this week.

Important Upcoming Dates
May 23 - Wednesday - Open House
May 28 - Monday - No School, Memorial Day

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Examine how cultural values are reflected in fiction.  Read different retellings of the story of Cinderella.  Compare their similarities and differences.

Math - square numbers, prime numbers

Writing - Writing about the Cinderella stories we are reading.  Our writing may include the conflicts driving the stories and the feeling the characters have at different points in the books.

In-Class Art - A Study of Vincent Van Gogh

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