Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thank You for Coming To Open House

After calculating the area of one of the TPES garden boxes we checked our answer using square feet cut-outs.

Open House
Thank you so much for coming to Open House.  The students worked really hard cleaning up the room in anticipation of your arrival.  I wish I had taken some pictures, they were scrubbing, dusting, and organizing--it was quite an effort.

Friday, June 1st
I will be out of the classroom this Friday, June 1st.  TPES visiting teacher, Mrs. Sarabeth Wintringer, will be teaching the class in my absence.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - finding the theme or message in fiction books

Math - area and perimeter, including the area of right triangles.

Writing - writing our own version of Cinderella

Word Study - are vs. our

Science - studying the life cycles of insects and plants

In-Class Art - a study of Vincent Van Gogh

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