Monday, February 27, 2012

Research Reports

Last week students began looking through non-fiction books in order to decide which wild animal they want to research.

Interesting Article
Last week the students and I read an online Time For Kids news article on the new presidential coins.  We read the article together as a class and the debate it described really captivated the students and led to a good class discussion.  The article can be found here.  It is difficult for them to read on their own, if you have them re-read it please be there to help them with some of the more difficult vocabulary.

Family Science Night Grades K-2
Family Science Night Grades K-2 is this Thursday.  A paper went home last week that included details and a form to fill out to reserve a spot.  Unfortunately all of the spots have been taken.  If you have a spot, more information can be found here.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Reading about, and taking notes on, a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Math - Graphing, Place Value to 1,000

Writing - Taking notes on a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Februrary

Students really enjoy giving and receiving valentines with each other.  Every year it is fun to watch.
Hello, I hope you had an excellent weekend.

Writing Journals
I sent home two special assignments for this week's writing journal work.  One is a study of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.  The other is having students compose their own procedural writing our 'How-To'.  They both are required, I will speak with the students about them today.  I sent home a complete description of both with examples.

A few of you have asked me when the result of the GATE exam will be available.  I asked Mr. Solo and even he is not sure.  He is hoping the scores will come available in the next month or so. 

Family Science Night Grades K-2
Family Science Night Grades K-2 is next Thursday.  I will provide you with more details in next Monday's post.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Taking notes on a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Math - Graphing

Writing - Writing about the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions, parts of speech: verbs, nouns, adjectives

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Room 5 Newspaper

The Room 5 Newspaper went home today.

The Room 5 Newspaper
Students worked in groups and partnerships to write up a newspaper of the happenings here at school and in Room 5. It went home in backpacks today, it's pretty neat, please read it.

I sent home some information about the importance of the Walk-a-Thon last Friday. Also, students should wear good walking shoes tomorrow.

Book Pouches
If they haven't already please have your students bring in their velcro reading pouch.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Finding the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts. Also, procedural texts or 'How-To books'.

Math - Graphing

Writing - Writing about the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions, parts of speech: verbs

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Walk-a-Thon and Next Week

Dear Room 5 Families,

There were a couple of things I wanted to share with you in preparation for next week:

The Walk-a-Thon
I am a strong believer in free public education, and I am not big on asking for donations.  That said, I want you to know these things about the Walk-a-Thon fundraiser.

1.  All of the money raised by the Walk-a-Thon goes to TPES Foundation.

2.  The TPES Foundation pays for our school art teacher, Mrs. Yzaguirre and our school music teacher, Ms. Tang.  Without the foundation there would be no art or music instruction outside of the work I do in Room 5.

3.  The TPES Foundation also pays for our P.E. teacher Coach Sergio.  Without the foundation I would be responsable for all P.E. lessons.

4.  The TPES Foundation pays for extra classroom teachers to lower class sizes for all classes.  Without their intervention class sizes across the school would be higher--more students in every classroom.

5.  The TPES Foundation pays for our school technology aide and the school's website.

Much of what make TPES special is the result of our strong parent foundation.  I think they are struggling a bit this year in terms of fundraising.

Please bring book pouches on Monday 2/13

I didn't do a good job last week helping students switch out their books.  Additionally I want all students to get a good set of books in place, especially with that four day weekend coming up.  Even if they don't need to change books right now, please have all students bring in their pouch.

Valentine's Day Cards

I am expecting students to bring in valentines for every Room 5 student on Tuesday.  I sent home a list of students about a month ago.  Remember, no candy or food this year.

Thank you, have a good weekend,
James Luxon

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Room 5 Garden

This afternoon students planted onions and carrots in the Room 5 garden. I used yellow and red plastic makers to show them where to plant.
Room 5 Garden
Today students planted onions and carrots in the Room 5 garden.  My hope is to have students harvest and cook the food right before the end of school.  One of the ideas I had for this meal was a chicken noodle soup that was heavy on carrots and onions.  I told the students that, while I am fairly certain the onions will grow, carrots are more difficult and may not sprout properly this early in the spring.

Morning Tardiness

School starts at 8:55 AM.  Please get your students here before that time so we can get started with our work right away.

Reading Partners
I have again set students up with reading partners and specific books that I think will challenge them.  I put pictures up in the Photo and Video Gallery though some of them are a little blurry and I missed one group.  One of the times they read with their partners is first thing in the morning, this is one of the reasons it is important to be on time for school.

Four Day Weekend Coming Up
Next week there is no school on Friday (2/17) or Monday (2/20).  This is in observance of Presidents Lincoln and Washington.  That is two weeks from now, there is school this Friday and coming Monday.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Finding the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts.

Math - Reading clocks and understanding elapsed time.  General review.

Writing - Writing an article for a classroom newspaper.

Language Conventions and Word Study - suffixes

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.
Mr. Solo holds staff meetings and governance meetings in Room 5, one of the reasons I ask students to keep the classroom so clean.