Monday, June 11, 2012

Room 5 Harvest

Today we harvested the carrots and onions we have been growing in the Room 5 Garden.

Last Day of School
Tomorrow, June 12th, is the last day of school.  On this day I will do work with the students in the morning and then take them in the afternoon to the field for a picnic starting at 12:30 PM.  The cafeteria will be closed.  Every student needs to bring a sack or boxed lunch, and a towel or blanket to sit on for the picnic.  If you like you can bring something for a potluck.  It might also be a good idea to put some sunscreen on your child in the morning.

Vegetable Soup

Today we harvested the carrots and onions from the Room 5 Garden.  We spent the morning picking our vegetables, cleaning and dicing them, and cooking them in a large soup.  The students did an excellent job.  Thanks as well to Mrs. Krantz and Mrs. Chen.  Pictures of everything we did are posted in the Photo and Video Gallery.   Extra carrots and onions went home with your students.

Field Day.  A Room 5 Student competes in the long jump.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Please Bring Back Your Velcro Book Pouches

Since it is the end of the year I need these back.  Sorry for the late notice. Thank you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Last Day of School Plans

Our classroom flowers have bloomed.  We are making sure pollen gets exchanged so they complete the life cycle and form seeds.
Last Day of School
The last day of school is Tuesday, June 12th.  On that afternoon students will have a picnic lunch on the playing field.  We are also working on getting kites for all students to fly.  The picnic lunch will be a potluck but I also recommend that each student bring a small bagged lunch in case they don't like the choices available from the potluck--the cafeteria will be closed. 

To make this last day work I need some help from parents.  Here is a checklist of everything your student should bring on the last day of school:
- a towel or blanket that your student can sit on during the picnic.  You might write your surname on the tag.
- a light sack lunch.
- something for the potluck.

Mrs. Krantz, our room parent, should be contacting you shortly about requested items for the potluck.

Field Day
Field day is this Thursday, June 7th.  This is a change from the master calendar due to the rainy weather.  On that day students need wear athletic clothes that they can run, jump, and sit in the grass in.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - finding the theme or message in fiction books

Math - comparing fractions

Writing - writing our own version of Cinderella

Word Study - are vs. our

Science - studying the life cycles of insects and plants

In-Class Art - a study of Vincent Van Gogh

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thank You for Coming To Open House

After calculating the area of one of the TPES garden boxes we checked our answer using square feet cut-outs.

Open House
Thank you so much for coming to Open House.  The students worked really hard cleaning up the room in anticipation of your arrival.  I wish I had taken some pictures, they were scrubbing, dusting, and organizing--it was quite an effort.

Friday, June 1st
I will be out of the classroom this Friday, June 1st.  TPES visiting teacher, Mrs. Sarabeth Wintringer, will be teaching the class in my absence.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - finding the theme or message in fiction books

Math - area and perimeter, including the area of right triangles.

Writing - writing our own version of Cinderella

Word Study - are vs. our

Science - studying the life cycles of insects and plants

In-Class Art - a study of Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, May 21, 2012

Open House This Wednesday - 6 PM!

TPES students rocked out at the school dance last Friday.
Open House Schedule
I look forward to seeing you this Wednesday at Open House.  Room 5 students have been working hard to prepare work to showcase for you. 

Below is the schedule second graders need to keep during Open House.  If you have students in other grades their choral performance times will be different.

 5:00 PM - Dinner and snack items will be on sale in food court.  Optional.
 6:00 PM - Classrooms, science room, art room, and library will be open for visitors.
 6:20 PM - 2nd grade students report to the auditorium for their choral performance.
 6:35 PM - Classrooms, science room, art room, and library, will be open for visitors.
 7:30 PM - Open House ends

Basically all classrooms at the school will be open starting at 6:00 PM.  Musical performances will be taking place simultaneously in the auditorium.  The second graders perform at 6:20 PM.  So at 6:20 PM I will temporarily close Room 5 and we will all go over to the auditorium for our performance.

It is a little bit different this year.  If you have any questions please email me.

Photo and Video Gallery

I put many photos from Spirit Week and the school dance up in the Photo and Video Gallery.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - finding the theme or message in fiction books

Math - area and perimeter

Writing - writing letters welcoming parents to Open House

Science - studying the life cycles of insects and plants

In-Class Art - a study of Vincent Van Gogh
On pajama day I allowed students to do different lessons with their stuffed animals.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Butteryflies / Spirit Week

The Room 5 butterflies feasted on pollen from the flowers you brought me for Teacher Appreciation Day.

Butterfly Life Cycle
The current second grade science unit studies the life cycle of insects and plants.  A few weeks ago we had some caterpillars delivered to the classroom.  Those caterpillars grew and grew until they went to the top of their enclosure and formed chrysalises.  Last week we observed them emerge from their chrysalises as butterflies.  After the butterflies emerged they dried off, flexed their wings, and enjoyed pollen from the flowers you all brought me for Teacher Appreciation Day.  On Friday we released them into the canyon.  More pictures are in the Room 5 Photo Gallery.

Spirit Week
This week is Spirit Week at Torrey Pines Elementary.  Here are the themes, day by day:

Monday - Dress Like Your Idol
Tuesday - Pajama Jammy Jam - Wear you pajamas and bring a stuffed animal.
Wednesday - Crazy Hair Day - Make your hair look crazy!
Thursday - Random Clothing Day - Wear something a little weird!
Friday - Hawaii Day - Wear you Hawaiian cloths!
Friday Evening 6 PM - School Dance.  All grades are invited, every student who comes must bring a parent.  I will likely be there too.

A couple of notes:  You are not required to dress up on any day.  Some days I personally will dress up, other days I will not. 

Mr. Solo also wanted me to mention two things:  On Wednesday students can use colored hairspray on their hairdos but they cannot bring cans of the hairspray to school. On Tuesday the stuffed animals kids bring should be small enough to fit into a paper grocery bag--none of those gigantic stuffed animals.

EVERY day is still a school day.  If your outfit prevents you from reading, writing, or behaving like a student it is probably a bad idea.

The school dance starts at 6PM on Friday.  Any student who wants to come needs to bring a parent.  I will be working there for at least a bit as well.

Teacher Appreciation Day
Thank you so much for the flowers, fruit, wine, and gifts.  I really appreciate it.  Some of the flowers stayed for decoration in Room 5, others were used in the butterfly enclosure, and others went home as gifts to my wife.  On Sunday I shared some of the wine and chocolate with my mother and father for Mother's Day.  The gift cards I am saving for a rainy day.

Important Upcoming Dates
May 23 - Wednesday - Open House
May 28 - Monday - No School, Memorial Day

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Examine how cultural values are reflected in fiction.  Read different retellings of the story of Cinderella.  Compare their similarities and differences.

Math - square numbers, prime numbers

Writing - Writing about the Cinderella stories we are reading.  Our writing may include the conflicts driving the stories and the feeling the characters have at different points in the books.

Science - Studying The Life Cycles of Insects and Plants.

In-Class Art - A Study of Vincent Van Gogh

These are the remains of the butterfly chrysalises, along with some shedded caterpillar skin.

Students were captivated by the butterflies.

Monday, May 7, 2012

California State Testing Finished

For the state test Mr. Solo provided students with fresh pencils and erasers, as well as a handful of peanut M & M's.  After they finished students read quietly.

CST, or California Star Test
Thank you for your help preparing students for the California State Test.  All of the students in Room 5 have finished all six parts now.  I was impressed with their focus.  During the reading exams, student were reading so carefully, you could hear a pin drop.

Writing Journal
I want your students to complete two shorter entries this week.  Both of the assignments revolve around Cinderella.  I sent home an assignment sheet, I was also able to post it here.  I had meetings today so I was not able to make comments in their journals this week.

Important Upcoming Dates
May 23 - Wednesday - Open House
May 28 - Monday - No School, Memorial Day

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Examine how cultural values are reflected in fiction.  Read different retellings of the story of Cinderella.  Compare their similarities and differences.

Math - square numbers, prime numbers

Writing - Writing about the Cinderella stories we are reading.  Our writing may include the conflicts driving the stories and the feeling the characters have at different points in the books.

In-Class Art - A Study of Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, April 30, 2012

Room 5 students working hard on the California Star Test.
CST, or California Star Test
The California Star tests will finish for most students by the end of this week.  So far students have been focused and doing well.  As I mentioned last week, make sure your students get plenty of sleep each evening and a good breakfast every morning.  Your students have definitely been prepared and ready, I've been seeing their efforts and knowledge come through on the exam.

Look for math homework to be pretty light again this week, with no homework assigned on some days.

Writing Journal
This week I want your students to complete only two entries.  I will send home the two assignments with your students today.  One will be another question about the Cinderella stories we are reading in class.  The second assignment will be a brief study of commas and quotation marks.

Important Upcoming Dates
May 23 - Wednesday - Open House
May 28 - Monday - No School, Memorial Day

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Examine how cultural values are reflected in fiction.  Read different retellings of the story of Cinderella.  Compare their similarities and differences.

Math - Division, Review

Writing - Writing about the Cinderella stories we are reading.  Our writing may include the conflicts driving the stories and the feeling the characters have at different points in the books.

Language Conventions and Word Study - Commas, Prefixes, Other Review

In-Class Art - A Study of Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, April 23, 2012

California Star Testing This Week

Last week we pulled baby carrots out of our garden to make more room for the main crop to grow.

CST, or California Star Test
The California Star tests starts this week.  As I mentioned last week, make sure your students get plenty of sleep each evening and a good breakfast every morning.  Your students are definitely prepared and ready, I've been very impressed in our review sessions.

I will continue to give homework this week but I will make sure it is on the light side.  If you need to skip the homework in order to get your student to bed early, please do.

Writing Journal
I still have the journals with me now, I will send them home tomorrow.  This week I want your students to complete only two entries.  For one of the entries I will send home a question about the Cinderella stories we are reading in class.

Art, Music
To accommodate testing, art and music lessons with Mrs. Yzaguirre and Mrs. Tang have been moved to Thursday afternoons for the next two weeks.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Examine how cultural values are reflected in fiction.  Read different retellings of the story of Cinderella.  Compare their similarities and differences.

Math - Division, Review

Writing - Writing about the Cinderella stories we are reading.  Our writing may include the conflicts driving the stories and the feeling the characters have at different points in the books.

Language Conventions and Word Study - Plurals, Suffixes, Review

In-Class Art - A Study of Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, April 16, 2012

California Star Testing Begins Next Week

Using arrays like these is one way to understand multiplication problems.

CST Testing
CST testing will begin next week on Tuesday, April 24th.  The test has six sections and will be administered over two weeks, but only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

I will send home some more sample questions this week.  If you are interested in more information and question types you can visit:

Writing JournalBecause of the extra sample test questions and exercises I am sending home I only expect your students to do one journal entry this week. 

School Pictures

Don't forget that Spring pictures are scheduled to be taken tomorrow.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - As a class, writing a non-fiction report on blue whales. Organizing our collected notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.  Adding to and editing our initial writing.  Creating a Bibliography.

Math - Multiplication and Division, Review

Writing - Individually writing a non-fiction report on a wild animal. Organizing our notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.

Language Conventions and Word Study - Plurals, Suffixes, Review

In-Class Art - A Study of Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome Back

I mentioned that last Wednesday was Science Discovery Day.  Students had the opportunity to learn about all sorts of science topics.
In this photo a scientist from UCSD explains how embryos are formed.

Welcome back to TPES, I hope you had a great Spring Vacation.  From talking with students it sounds like you all did a wide variety of things during the break.  My wife and I spent most of the week in the Caribbean on Turks and Caicos Islands. 

Important Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, April 17th - Spring School Picture Day
Friday, April 27th - TPES Gala Fundraiser at 6PM

Writing Homework
This week continue working on the non-fiction animal research project that was started during the last school week.  I expect students to complete only one or two sections this week as I will be sending home other literacy work.

One of the areas students will be tested on in May is how to use a dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus, and atlas.  We have spent time in class studying the structure and features of these reference books.  One aspect that we have covered, but that is somewhat difficult, is the guidewords that appear at the top of every dictionary page and sometimes in an encyclopedia as well.  We are covering them again this week.  Please take a minute to look through a dictionary with your students, I will also send home some practice on this esoteric skill tomorrow.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - As a class, writing a non-fiction report on blue whales. Organizing our collected notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.  Adding to and editing our initial writing.  Creating a Bibliography.

Math - Multiplication and Division

Writing - Individually writing a non-fiction report on a wild animal. Organizing our notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.

Language Conventions and Word Study - guidewords, plurals, review of vowel sounds.

In-Class Art - A study of Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, March 26, 2012

Science Discovery Day This Week

Last week we began a study of Vincent Van Gogh's artwork.

Science Discovery Day
This Wednesday is Science Discovery Day.  On Wednesday, during school, all students will attend three different classes taught by TPES parents and community members.  Students will experience different types of sciences and science activities.  In past years students studied static electricity, butterflies, ocean tides, even maggots.  On Wednesday have your student wear clothes that are easy to move around in and okay to be messy in.

Star Test Strategy
This week I will practice with students how to eliminate answers on a multiple choice test.  This is a little tricky as they cannot cross out answers on their exam (those marks will confuse the computer that scans their test).  I will send home some practice for your students to try on Tuesday.

Writing Journal Homework
I hope the assignment for last week went well.  I will read the student journals today.  In the Writing Journal for this week I would like your students to research and write about an animal of their choosing.  It should not be the same animal they are researching in class.  They can find information from books or encyclopedias at your home, the Riford Library, or online at National Geographic for Kids.
If you wish to do more online research I have found that a google search that has "for kids" in it usually works.  For instance you could google "lobsters for kids".
After their research, students should write two sections (with topic sentences) on their choice of anatomy, habitat, diet, life cycle, or threats for their chosen animal.  You can tell them that this project does not need to be as detailed as their in-class report.

Spring Break
There is no school next week, 4/2 - 4/6, for Spring Break.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - As a class, writing a non-fiction report on blue whales. Organizing our collected notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.  Adding to and editing our initial writing.  Creating a Bibliography.

Math - Multiplication

Writing - Individually writing a non-fiction report on a wild animal. Organizing our notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.

Language Conventions and Word Study - Syllable review.  Understanding that most words with double consonants split across those letters (rabbit / rab-bit, little / lit-tle).  Understanding that some syllables will have only one letter (avalanche / av-a-lanch, elephant / el-e-phant)

In-Class Art - A study of Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, March 19, 2012

Special Homework This Week

Room 5 is researching and writing about blue whales as a class.

California Star Test
The California Star test will be administered to all students in May. It covers all the curriculum we have studied in second grade since September. I want students to be comfortable with taking the exam, to aide them I am going to begin sending home practice sheets that have both a strategy for them to learn and a set of questions for them to practice with. This week's strategy is re-reading. Many students don't realize that if they have an exam with a reading piece, and they get to a question about that reading piece that they are unsure about, they need to re-read the story to locate the answer. There is no time limit, so speed is not a concern.

The first practice sheet I will send home will go home tomorrow. If you have any questions email me.

Writing Journal Homework
In the Writing Journal for this week I would like your students to practice their non-fiction writing. In class we have been studying Blue Whales. I would like your students to write two pieces about Blue Whales for their homework. To assist them I sent home an assignment sheet and two non-fiction articles on whales for them to reference. The assignment sheet can be found here, a hard copy went home. The articles have also been printed and sent home but can be found here and here.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - As a class, writing a non-fiction report on blue whales. Organizing our collected notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.

Math - Three digit addition and subtraction.

Writing - Individually writing a non-fiction report on a wild animal. Organizing our notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.

Language Conventions and Word Study - the oy sound, both oy and oi

In-Class Art - Beginning a study Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, March 12, 2012

Students Hard at Work on Non-Fiction Reports

In addition to reading non-fiction books students also did some research for their wild animal reports online.

Scholastic Book Fair
The TPES Scholastic Book Fair/Book Sale is up and running this week.  Room 5 students went to the fair today to preview the books and make a list of books that they would be interested in.  Every Room 5 student understands that the list of books they made today is a wish list.  I told them their parents would likely purchase only one or two books from their list, if any at all.

The pinnacle of the book fair will be on Wednesday when there will be a dinner Luau (the food pre-orders went home last week).  On that day Mr. Solo, Ms. Isom, Mr. Kent, and myself will also be doing small-format book readings (pretty informal).  Ms. Isom will start off the readings at 5:30 PM, I will finish up around 6:30 PM.

3 Early Dismissal Days This Week!
Because of Parent/Teacher Conferences, this week we will have three early dismissal or minimum days.  This Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday students will be dismissed at 12:45 PM.

Non-Fiction Reports
We are spending a lot of time each day working on these reports.  Our focus is both on collecting detailed information, and on making our writing clear and well organized.  If you didn't get a chance to read what I wrote about these reports last week please scroll down and check out that post.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - As a class, writing a non-fiction report on blue whales. Organizing our collected notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.

Math - Three digit addition and subtraction.

Writing - Individually writing a non-fiction report on a wild animal. Organizing our notes into paragraphs of similar information with clear topic sentences.

Language Conventions and Word Study - the ow sound, both ow and ou

In-Class Art - Beginning a study Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Value of Hard Work

Students have been reading non-fiction books about wild animals in preparation for writing a report.

Spring Conferences
Last Thursday (March 1st) I sent each of you a letter regarding Spring Conferences.  If you did not get your copy please let me know.

Smart vs. Hardworking
Lately in the classroom I have been hearing the students having a lot of conversations about who is smart, how smart they are, or how smart their parents told them they were.  While this isn't terrible, I really recommend putting the focus on hard work not innate ability or 'smartness'.  As a teacher I try to praise students not for their intelligence but for sustained concentration and extended effort.  My most successful students are the ones who tackle each assignment with 100% effort along with a sense of pride in one's work.  Similarly, in my personal life I have noticed the most successful friends I have are the ones who are willing to set goals for themselves and work tirelessly to achieve those goals.

There has been research about this, and the effect different types of praise have on students.  You can read an article about it here.  You can also watch a brief video here.

Non-Fiction Reports
This past week students chose a wild animal to write a non-fiction report about.  After making their choice they began reading books and online articles about that particular animal and taking notes on what they learned.  As they take their notes they are classifying the information into five main sections: Anatomy, Habitat and Range, Diet, Life Cycle, and Threats to Survival.  Once their notes are complete they will review them to find the most important concepts and then begin writing their reports.  Ask your student what animal they chose, you might even take them to the public library for some additional reading.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Reading about--and taking notes on--a wild animal, in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Math - Place Value to 1,000, Coins and Money

Writing - Taking notes on a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

Students have been reading non-fiction books about wild animals in preparation for writing a report.

As students read they also take notes on the different facts they learn about their chosen animal.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Research Reports

Last week students began looking through non-fiction books in order to decide which wild animal they want to research.

Interesting Article
Last week the students and I read an online Time For Kids news article on the new presidential coins.  We read the article together as a class and the debate it described really captivated the students and led to a good class discussion.  The article can be found here.  It is difficult for them to read on their own, if you have them re-read it please be there to help them with some of the more difficult vocabulary.

Family Science Night Grades K-2
Family Science Night Grades K-2 is this Thursday.  A paper went home last week that included details and a form to fill out to reserve a spot.  Unfortunately all of the spots have been taken.  If you have a spot, more information can be found here.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Reading about, and taking notes on, a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Math - Graphing, Place Value to 1,000

Writing - Taking notes on a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Februrary

Students really enjoy giving and receiving valentines with each other.  Every year it is fun to watch.
Hello, I hope you had an excellent weekend.

Writing Journals
I sent home two special assignments for this week's writing journal work.  One is a study of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.  The other is having students compose their own procedural writing our 'How-To'.  They both are required, I will speak with the students about them today.  I sent home a complete description of both with examples.

A few of you have asked me when the result of the GATE exam will be available.  I asked Mr. Solo and even he is not sure.  He is hoping the scores will come available in the next month or so. 

Family Science Night Grades K-2
Family Science Night Grades K-2 is next Thursday.  I will provide you with more details in next Monday's post.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Taking notes on a wild animal in preparation for writing a non-fiction report.

Math - Graphing

Writing - Writing about the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions, parts of speech: verbs, nouns, adjectives

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Room 5 Newspaper

The Room 5 Newspaper went home today.

The Room 5 Newspaper
Students worked in groups and partnerships to write up a newspaper of the happenings here at school and in Room 5. It went home in backpacks today, it's pretty neat, please read it.

I sent home some information about the importance of the Walk-a-Thon last Friday. Also, students should wear good walking shoes tomorrow.

Book Pouches
If they haven't already please have your students bring in their velcro reading pouch.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Finding the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts. Also, procedural texts or 'How-To books'.

Math - Graphing

Writing - Writing about the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts.

Language Conventions and Word Study - contractions, parts of speech: verbs

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Walk-a-Thon and Next Week

Dear Room 5 Families,

There were a couple of things I wanted to share with you in preparation for next week:

The Walk-a-Thon
I am a strong believer in free public education, and I am not big on asking for donations.  That said, I want you to know these things about the Walk-a-Thon fundraiser.

1.  All of the money raised by the Walk-a-Thon goes to TPES Foundation.

2.  The TPES Foundation pays for our school art teacher, Mrs. Yzaguirre and our school music teacher, Ms. Tang.  Without the foundation there would be no art or music instruction outside of the work I do in Room 5.

3.  The TPES Foundation also pays for our P.E. teacher Coach Sergio.  Without the foundation I would be responsable for all P.E. lessons.

4.  The TPES Foundation pays for extra classroom teachers to lower class sizes for all classes.  Without their intervention class sizes across the school would be higher--more students in every classroom.

5.  The TPES Foundation pays for our school technology aide and the school's website.

Much of what make TPES special is the result of our strong parent foundation.  I think they are struggling a bit this year in terms of fundraising.

Please bring book pouches on Monday 2/13

I didn't do a good job last week helping students switch out their books.  Additionally I want all students to get a good set of books in place, especially with that four day weekend coming up.  Even if they don't need to change books right now, please have all students bring in their pouch.

Valentine's Day Cards

I am expecting students to bring in valentines for every Room 5 student on Tuesday.  I sent home a list of students about a month ago.  Remember, no candy or food this year.

Thank you, have a good weekend,
James Luxon

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Room 5 Garden

This afternoon students planted onions and carrots in the Room 5 garden. I used yellow and red plastic makers to show them where to plant.
Room 5 Garden
Today students planted onions and carrots in the Room 5 garden.  My hope is to have students harvest and cook the food right before the end of school.  One of the ideas I had for this meal was a chicken noodle soup that was heavy on carrots and onions.  I told the students that, while I am fairly certain the onions will grow, carrots are more difficult and may not sprout properly this early in the spring.

Morning Tardiness

School starts at 8:55 AM.  Please get your students here before that time so we can get started with our work right away.

Reading Partners
I have again set students up with reading partners and specific books that I think will challenge them.  I put pictures up in the Photo and Video Gallery though some of them are a little blurry and I missed one group.  One of the times they read with their partners is first thing in the morning, this is one of the reasons it is important to be on time for school.

Four Day Weekend Coming Up
Next week there is no school on Friday (2/17) or Monday (2/20).  This is in observance of Presidents Lincoln and Washington.  That is two weeks from now, there is school this Friday and coming Monday.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Finding the main ideas/concepts in non-fiction texts.

Math - Reading clocks and understanding elapsed time.  General review.

Writing - Writing an article for a classroom newspaper.

Language Conventions and Word Study - suffixes

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance and motion.
Mr. Solo holds staff meetings and governance meetings in Room 5, one of the reasons I ask students to keep the classroom so clean.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Rotational Forces and the Winter Concert

Last week in Science we studied forces, including rotational forces.

Winter Concert
Here is the schedule for this Wednesday's Winter Concert:

5:00 PM | Dinner and bake sale items available for sale in the lunch court (optional).
5:45 PM | Students meet in Room 5, parents find a seat in the auditorium
6:00 PM | The performance begins, please stay for all three grade levels, after the concert is over you pick your child up from Room 5.

Music Teacher, Ms. Tang, has this dress code:  "All grades will be wearing traditional clothes from any culture if they own it. If you don't have traditional clothes, nice performance clothes is fine. No shorts, flip flops, or baseball caps."

If you have another student in grades 3, 4, or 5, you might also want to come on Thursday night for the upper-grade performance.  Information on both performances can be found on the TPES Website.

Homework Journals
I apologize for being slow with these.  The best day for me to read them is on Monday.  Since the new year began I have lost two Mondays to holidays and another to a rainy day--inside--schedule. 

Today the journals are ready to go home.  I also included a special assignment sheet--writing in non-fiction.

Room 5 Garden
Last week students began readying the Room 5 Garden plot.  We mixed in compost and organic fertilizer.  I am looking in to getting some carrot seeds and onion sets to plant.  Thanks to Ms. Krantz for helping.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Types of Non-Fiction Text and their features: biographies, newspapers, dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, non-fiction books.

Math - Fractions.  Reading clocks and understanding elapsed time.

Writing - Writing an article for a classroom newspaper.

Language Conventions and Word Study - abbreviations

Science - Basic Physics - Understand concepts around balance.  Last week's vocabulary: forces, axis, rotational force.

Last week in Science we studied forces, including rotational forces.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Finding the Balancing Point

In Science we are studying basic physics.  Students built these mobiles and learned the vocabulary stable, horizontal, balance, and balance point or fulcrum.

Winter Concert
Next Wednesday and Thursday Evening TPES is holding Winter Concerts.  On Wednesday evening grades K-2 perform, on Thursday evening grades 3-5 perform.  Because of seating concerns, you should only attend the evenings where you have a child performing.  Attendance is not mandatory for students or parents, but most families do attend.  Next Monday I will have more information about the time schedule for the performances.

Valentines Day
Tomorrow I will send home a list of all the students in Room 5.  In preparation for Valentines Day I would like you to have your child prepare a valentine for every student in class.   Stores like CVS and Ralphs sell very inexpensive valentines cards in sets specifically for school children.  You can use those cards or make something very simple.  If you have any questions please ask me.  Because of diet concerns of our classroom this year, please do not attach any candy.

In Math Mr. Luxon's group has been studying fractions, Mr. Lee's class we also begin the fraction unit shortly.  On Friday and today I worked hard with the students to help them understand fractions of a group.  For example I gave a table of four students 8 crackers and asked for each student to take 1/4 of the total--so every student got 2 crackers each.  While students did okay with this, they struggled with more complex questions like 2/3rds of 18.  I thought the group made some headway today in terms of their understanding but they will definitely need help when they practice these skills in their homework.

Is there anyone interested in helping Room 5 students in the TPES vegetable garden this Friday?  Your role would involve helping groups of 5 students till (dig up and mix around) the soil and fresh compost to prepare it for planting.  It would be a somewhat dirt job.  I plan to do this work from 2:15 PM to 3:25 PM.  Please send me an email if you are interested.  You must be on the TPES approved volunteer list.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Types of Non-Fiction Text: biographies, newspapers, dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, non-fiction books

Math - Fractions, decimals.  This includes fractions of groups, for example 1/3 of 15 is 5.

Writing - Editing and improving our writing to produce a final draft.  Writing about how grandmothers are generally portrayed in fiction books.

Language Conventions and Word Study - abbreviations

Social Studies - The Chinese New Year

Science - Basic Physics - Balance and Motion

In Science we are studying basic physics.  Students built these mobiles and learned the vocabulary stable, horizontal, balance, and balance point or fulcrum.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Two New Units Beginning This Week

Last week students began writing about how grandmothers are usually portrayed in fiction books.

Non-Fiction Unit
This week we have begun studying non-fiction.  To begin we will look at different types of non-fiction texts like biographies, newspapers, dictionaries, the thesaurus, and of course non-fiction books.  We look to see how those different texts are structured. For example, a biography is usually organized chronologically, where as a general non-fiction book has information grouped into sections, by sub-categories.  We also look at what type of text features each format holds.  Features like headlines, captions, indexes, etc.

Fractions Unit in Math
We are beginning a unit on fractions.  One of the best ways to learn about fractions is with food.  If you are eating a pizza or sharing a sandwich, talk with your student about the fractions involved. 

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Types of Non-Fiction Text: biographies, newspapers, dictionaries, thesauri, non-fiction books

Math - Fractions

Writing - Editing and improving our writing to produce a final draft.  Writing about how grandmothers are generally portrayed in fiction books.

Language Conventions and Word Study - vowel sounds, suffixes, abbreviations

Social Studies - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Science - Balance and Motion
Last week students began writing about how grandmothers are usually portrayed in fiction books.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Polishing Our Writing

After editing and reworking their writing both independently and with a partner, students have been typing up their finished work. 
The program students use allows them to hear their writing read out loud, mistakes and all.

Just a quick note this week:

Mr. Luxon Off Campus
Tomorrow I will off campus attending some technology training--knowledge that I can bring back to the classroom.  I believe Ms. Cahill will be assigned here in my absence.  There will be more of these types of days coming for me in the next couple months.

Important Upcoming Dates
January 16th - a Monday - No School, Martin Luther King Day
January 19th - a Thursday - Souplantation TPES Family Restaurant Night in Del Mar
February 1st - a Wednesday - Winter Concert, Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
February 2nd - a Thursday - Winter Concert, 3rd Grade - 5th Grade

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Studying how grandmothers are stereotypically portrayed in fiction books.

Math - Linear Measurement  (I was wrong.  Fractions coming up next.)

Writing - Editing and improving our writing to produce a final draft.

Language Conventions and Word Study - vowel sounds, suffixes

Science - Balance and Motion

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Room 5 students climb a saber-tooth cat at the San Diego Zoo Elephant Odyssey exhibit.

Welcome back, after a relaxing break I am excited to resume teaching in Room 5!  I spent some time in Room 5 over the break making sure everything was organized, clean, and ready to go.

Thank You
Thank you all so much for your gifts and overall classroom gift.  Your monies will help me continue to purchase materials for the classroom.  Anything left over my wife and I will put in a savings account to help us start a family soon.  I truly, truly appreciate it.

Important Upcoming Dates

January 4th - This Wednesday - Wednesday Enrichment Sign-up and Information
January 6th - This Friday - Spare the Air Day, walk, bike, or carpool to school
January 10th - Next Tuesday - Mr. Luxon is off-campus for technology-centered professional training, a visiting teacher teaches in his place.
January 16th - a Monday - No School, Martin Luther King Day
January 19th - a Thursday - Souplantation TPES Family Restaurant Night in Del Mar
February 1st - a Wednesday - Winter Concert, Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
February 2nd - a Thursday - Winter Concert, 3rd Grade - 5th Grade

Zoo Field Trip

A big thank you to all of the zoo chaperones who helped me out the Friday before break.  We had a great time.  I posted pictures of the trip in the Photo and Video Gallery.

After 17 days with no students and little heat I am certain that Room 5 is lice free.  I also removed all pillows.  My impression is that this has been an issue for many of you.  If we all work together, we will eliminate the issue--check you child this evening.

Curriculum Overview

Literacy - Studying how grandmothers are stereotypically portrayed in fiction books.

Math - Addition and subtraction.  Fractions coming up.

Writing - Editing and improving our writing to produce a final draft.

Language Conventions and Word Study - syllables, vowel sounds, suffixes

Social Studies - Understanding maps.  Map legends, scales, topography, as well as the major geographical features of California, and the U.S.

Mr. Luxon's home.  Thank You!

More Elephant Odyssey.